dimanche 12 juillet 2009

4.2.2 Taking the best part of each search engine

If it can be a strategic mistake to use two search engines with the same technology (cf chapter 4.1.4) it can be appropriate to use technology from the biggest search engines to compensate the disadvantages of smallest ones.
Here is an example of how to take the best part of each search engine technology to improve data quality.
By using the search term "Yahoo" on the university website of the "Universidad de Léon" www.unileon.es here are the results we obtain (9/06/2009):

Search engine search within website content comparison

Out of those results the 2 results found by the search engine of the university of Léon were found by Yahoo and Google search engine. Google and Yahoo were sharing 8 links in common.
As explained in chapter 4.1.5 search engines using different technologies are not providing the same results because they are searching differently. There is then a strong interest in trying different search engines.
Trying different search engines is a necessary condition to face search engine dependency but this condition is not sufficient.

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