As mentioned previously there is today too much information on the Internet and too many direct and indirect advertisement. It is today very easy to manipulate information. There is a strong interest in getting a list of quality websites on which we can rely on.
It is critical to know what search engines can and cannot do and how to take the best part of their technology.
Knowing and using properly Boolean operators is necessary. Too many functions are underused and unknown whereas they are important: “links:” “intitle:” “related:”.
The second point with search engine is vertical search. Most of the biggest search engines are providing more than one search engine each having a specific use. It is not a hazard if Google provides so much of those tools, it is because it knows that the general Google cannot offer the best search experience.
The same search on the general home page of Google, Google Scholars and Google Books will provide three totally different sources of results.
Here is an example of some vertical search engines provided by Google di-vided by level of accessibility from home page. For example the first level (Google Images, Maps etc…) is accessible through one click, level 2 through two clicks, etc etc…

Google vertical search engines
But once more according to the principle of least effort Internet users are sticking to the ground level.
One important element in using those vertical search is that it may possible that a specific kind of file included in a website can be well indexed by a vertical search engine but not the all website. Finding this file may then find you the website.
For example an image within a website can be well indexed by an image search en-gine but not the website in itself.
Knowing better how work a specific search engine is not fixing the de-pendency state but reduce the data quality issue.
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