dimanche 12 juillet 2009

Conclusion and recommendations

The Internet took the place of radio and TV as our main information provider. The former scope of the Internet which was to provide an extensive wide range of information has been quickly taken like TV and radios by advertising and marketing agencies.
As currently used the Internet is a source of information ―media fast food (Romaní, C.C./ Kuklinski, H.P. (2007). Planeta Web 2.0. Inteligencia colectiva o medios fast food) for the mass where commercial and "people" information are the main concerns.
The Internet is an data platform mixing information written by businesses and individuals at the same time. This cross and share of information is a benefit but in-crease as well confusion and data quality issues.
The implementation of simple and easy to use web applications did not help and has conditioned users to apply the least effort principle where they go for con-venience rather than quality.
Search engine dependency is relevant and is critical firstly because commer-cial search engine is our main information provider on the Internet and secondly be-cause a large part of Internet users are uneducated about how they work.
Those behaviors are unfortunately influencing the workplace as well.
As any other field, information research is a skill, an art based on education, practice and pro efficiency which has to be taught within the educational system as well as within companies.
Believing that you can find everything and anything online is unrealistic and companies should clearly took it into consideration.
As mentioned in this report there are critical issues regarding data manage-ment within companies and this cannot be fixed without a proper education which is starting by teaching the fundamentals of the world wide web.
There is clearly today an over evaluation of technologies where users are ex-pecting too much from them. Technology is in constant movement and as to be follow.
One can be sure that if there was a perfect solution for Internet search every-body would adopt it. The solutions cited so far are explaining that the best way to get data quality is to use the best part of each search tool by always taking into account the Internet changing environment.
Adapting those solutions to businesses will be very costly. Firstly because it would imply to implement a huge set of search tools. Secondly because the more search tools you implement and the more training you have to do.
As we saw in chapters 2.4.1 Internet users are sticking to the principle of least effort and are focusing on accessibility rather than quality.
Integrating a large set of complex tools have already been consider in the past, the study untitled ―Information behavior of the researcher of the future‖ cited above well explained how librarians did not adapt properly to the demand and make young students fleeing them.
We discovered so far that the market is demanding easy to use, accessible, simple and instinctive search solutions. We know as well that commercial search engine users are blaming themselves and not the technology when they cannot find what they want. We saw that Enterprise search engine users are blaming the technology and not themselves when they cannot find the result they want. And finally that commercial search engine use influence the one of enterprise.
We all know how reluctant workers are towards changes and that implementing a new information search system is critical. As we saw in chapter 2 there are some solutions which are implemented within companies but their goals is rather foggy and workers are not finding the information they want in most of the cases.
The recommendation should then be the following:
There is no need to invest in costly and complex search information system. Simply because they are very costly in terms of management and training. If you set up an information search system including several search tools employees will simply not use them and/or not use them properly.
Technology has to adapt searchers and not the other way around.
So companies should invest in one, only one search technology but at least one that everybody in the company is familiar with. In the case of Google countries it means implementing Google Search Appliance within companies.
This implementation should increase employees satisfaction and this will help in installing a more powerful search system afterward.
Employees may not find all the material they want with only one solution but it does not matter for the reason that they did not find the contents either with several solutions.
It should be hard for them to blame the technology with which they are the most familiar with and as a result they may reconsider their way of searching. Once this step made it will be easier to train people to search engine use and afterward implementing deeper search tools.
The justification of this choice is customer satisfaction. If an Internet user is not finding the information through is favorite search tool it would mean that there is something wrong with the use that he is making of it.
From here it prepare themselves better to receive training on information search.
This solution is for sure not the most rational one because it is not fixing the issue of search engine dependency. It is even making it worst. But it is however fixing the issue of user satisfaction which drive to efficiency. As mentioned in chapter 3.4 employees do not need to be search information experts, they have to do their job.

Search engine users behavior within household summary:

Policy search: No search strategy implemented
Search user characteristics: Always find what they are looking for, confident, trusting and naive. Satisfied with their search experience. Do not make the difference between commercial and non commercial links 98% (95%) of their Internet use is dedicated to search. They used the Internet for many purposes such as answers regarding health.
Solutions: For them there is no problem so why should they find some solutions.
Risks: They can pick up the wrong in-formation (health information)
Number of tools used: They are not experienced searchers and use in average no more than 2 search tools.

Search engine user within the educational system:

Policy search: None or few programs installed or forecasted for the future
Search user characteristics: Even when trained students do not apply the tools. Google's comfort. The Wikipedia phenomenon has been put in evidence and the educational system is alerted to this issue.
Solutions: More training and education, special courses on the topic.
Risks: Information flow is always the same, Wikipedia phenomenon. If the train-ing is not applied properly performances cannot be seen in household neither within businesses.
Number of tools used: Presence of library databases but very few other search engines are known.

Search engine users within Businesses:

Policy search: Poor implemen-tation, if implemented goals are in half of the cases not clearly defined.
Search user characteristics: Get used to experience search engine at home and do not understand why enterprise search engines are not performing as good as them. Very unsatisfied about their search experience More or less aware of the problem but are minimizing the consequences
Solutions: More training, better management implementation
Risks: Bad image about Enterprise Search Engine, do not feel to be pro efficient and fix the prob-lem by themselves, Looking for info on the Internet when not finding it on Intranet
Number of tools used: Several

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