dimanche 12 juillet 2009

5.2.4 Google collateral damages

On May the 14th 2009 some millions of people have been cut off from Google search engine, email and other Google services.
The reason invoked has been a huge traffic coming from Asia.
As a consequence it is 14% of its users who have been affected during one hour. (Liedtke, M. (2009). Google glitch disrupts search engine, e-mail) (Hoelzle, U. (2009). This is your pilot speaking. Now, about that holding pattern...)
Moreover according to Gomez, an American company specialized in Website Performance Monitoring services all websites which were using Google minor services such as Google Analytics (audience measurement application for websites) were twice slower to load. (Hof, R. (2009). Google's Outage Affected More than Google Users; Other Sites Hit Too.)
Here it is interesting to see that Google failures are coming from its own success and not from a human error.
Here it shows that in any case if your company website is indirectly using some Google services it may have some consequences on it.

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