A study untitled « Global Search Report 2007 » (cf. Wilsdon, N. (2007). Global Search Report 2007.) realized in 2007 made a clear view of the market. It shows that the configuration of each market is always the same:

Search engine market shares in 2007 for the Czech Republic
It is very rare to find a country where there is a close competition among search engines. Even if in the High Technology sector things change from a day to another you have often the following configuration where the first search engine is leading the game by more than 30 points on its followers.
When a search engine get more than 50% of the market it is adopted as a standard. This trend seems quite relevant in the software industry, people seem to look for a standard used by all. This is the case for the Operating System industry, the browser industry, the e-learning industry. The explanation of such a success with-in a population can be found in the word to mouth, isn’t it how Google has been so successful? How never heard sentences such as « you just have to Google it » Google is even nowadays in dictionaries as a verb. (cf. Merriam Webster. (2001). Google - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.)
Markets are also define by a lot of small local search engines which are if original enough bought by the biggest ones or if not will disappear quickly (some examples are coming in the news every month). The only key of the success on the short term seems to be advertisement but on the long run you need the technology behind in order to compete.
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