Define the strategy and a draft of the implementation to consolidate/improve that perception
For me here there are two different things:
- Don’t copy but create;
-Don’t be evil;
The first is in fact joining in a certain way the second.
I really think that Google should stick to his motto. Most of Internet users have been educated with Google and made their first step with it on the Internet. Google is a part of our life and we saw it growing years after years. I would say that Google is our friend and that we have a certain trust in it. We are however seeing him more and more as a Microsoft with the will of having an overall control of everything.
Having a control over everything is not really a problem but it is when the technology provided are inferior to some others and this is what it is all about.
The second point is about the Big Brother and commercial aspect. Google’s strength is mainly based on the information they get from their users, reducing the number of collected information is for Google like reducing their strengths. However sometimes you need to make some sacrifices. I guess that Google is accumulating enough information on their users and that reducing the amount of collected data to six months as requested is not such a big deal.
I really think as well that Google comes to be more and more influenced by marketing people rather than pure engineers. We are living in an economical system where almost every business is driven by marketing orientation and this is more or less the model that Google is adopting. However it does not have to be that always that way. So far Google succeeds with an economical model which was far different from all the other ones.
Microsoft motto has often been associated to the following “Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door."
Whereas actually Google used the one of make the customer happy and then get your profit out of it and not the other way around.
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