dimanche 31 mai 2009

Google: Consumer behavior

Analyse how the perception of other stimulus can affect the brand image (perception of the outlet, price…) as well as other influencers (use of the product…)

According to me two aspects can influence the Google brand: the home page and the way results are displayed and the new services(innovations) that Google is providing. 

Google home page and display of results:  

The day that Google will change its home page it will have a tremendous effect on his brand image. Until now Google is the only company which almost did not reconsider his home page design for almost ten years. Always considering that Google has before all to be sober, cool and most of all easy to use. According to them Internet user need simple products. Figure 1:Google page results in 2001   And until now all we can say is that they were right in their strategy. From more than 11 years this trend seems to be the same: 

And it is the same when displaying its results. However as technology are moving up Google will have one day to change one of those two aspects or even both and from this change we will see how it affects Google.

Google new services:  

The new functions that Google is adding everyday can be seen from two different perspectives.If it is a useful and original service people are tend to see Google as cooler as ever this is the case of the integration of iGoogle or Google Mail. 

On the other hand when Google is copying products and services from other companies just for competition we really have the vision of a shark ready to take the control over all the technologies. The examples of Knol (encyclopedia to compete with Wikipedia) or even Lively (to compete with second life) are good examples of this ambition:

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