dimanche 12 juillet 2009

5.2.2 Google Gmail failure

As previously explained Google's dependency is not only linked to its search function but also to the convenience of all services associated such as: email services, blogs, finance controlling, maps....
On February the 24th 2009 from 10:30 to 14:30 the Google mail service was not working. All Google mail users could not access and send emails. (Beaumont, C. (2009). Google’s Gmail service crashes across world.)
This issue if far more worrying when we know that Google mail is used by peers but as well by more than one million of companies.
print screen of gmail failure
Google Gmail Failure

Gmail failure was a problem of accessing to data. This is a critical failure when we consider that it was a worldwide bug and that using email is the first activity on the Internet before making search: (Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission. (2005). Household use of the Internet survey 2005.)/(Internet and Mobile Association of India. (2007). Search Engine Marketing 2007.)/(Fallows, D. (2008). Search engine use.)

graph of the main use of the internet
Main use of the Internet among the USA/Malaysia/India

The use of Gmail within companies is critical and extremely dangerous. Gmail services are very convenient but this convenience has some high risks.

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