lundi 1 juin 2009

International e-Marketing: a picture of Internet users

Here is the Internet user configuration in 2008:

Date: 2008
So almost one third of Internet users are English speakers and 20% are Chinese speakers. Both combined they represent 50%. It is true that most of Chinese Internet users are recent users but we can imagine then how valuable it is to know Chinese and how many treasures should be hidden on the Web through this language.

Another point which have to be made is the supremacy of the English language, we can see there how important it is to know this language in order to increase our research of information on the Internet.

Even if Spanish has an incredible value in the United States we can see here that it may be more interesting to know Chinese rather than Spanish.

Other information are interesting to extract from this graphic:

It shows this time the potential growth of each language. For example Japanese which is representing 6% of Internet users in the world has almost 3/4 of his population which is connected. It means that Japanese language is almost satured on the Internet, it may then be more interesting to make wesites in French or Portuguese rather than in Japanese.
In any case any good company who wants to be an international player need to have a website in English, a website in Chinese is strongly advisable and making it in Spanish could be a good idea.

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